Campfire Mascots-Pets Team Competition!
MERLIN'S CASTLE IS NOW OFFICIALLY CLOSED! It was fun and hope you enjoyed things.
Last week's scores

Welcome to Campfire Mascots OSVP Page! Have Fun and Good Luck!
We look forward to having your Pets with us!!!
Voting Times are Monday to Thursday, 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST.
Or whenever 12:01 am to 10:00 pm
In YOUR Time Zone is.
There will be ONLY be 2 votes per Email, per day counted.
Hi we are SirSam And Lady Guinevere TL for Campfire Mascots
if you have any problems please let me know, your ATL is
my hope is you have fun while you are here.
this is a fun place for your pets and we hope for you
So enjoy it and have fun!
You MUST self vote & All vote at least 3 days during the week in order to advance.
If you know anyone who owns a pet
or you bring in a pet to join Campfire Mascot(there is Max.5 limit)
the only requirement is you MUST vote for your pets
your pet and the person's pet who comes in
will both get 10 POINTS PER PET
Please let TL know who you bring in
so points may be assigned
The more the merrier
We love having you onboard with us
Is that incentive enough?
You will at times notice changes in the Points
That shows the points of pets referred by someone
Or points given to a pet brought in by someone
Just think those could be your points. :):)

I am putting this Here because People Seem to Forget IT
That is why we are able to finish up as early as we do
And have a Wonderful summer break
And break for Thanksgiving all the way
Through till the second week in January of the new year
So for those of you who tend to forget and/or don't
want to vote that week
Please ask for a LOA, of course you will NOT advance as fast
And from now on, those in the upper levels
will return to the last level on your team,
unless the LOA is for a good reason, then that
is a different story altogether

Spirit Page=5 points Weekly/OR if no SP Answer the Weekly Update
Self Vote=10 points Daily
Team/All Vote=10 points Daily
Please Remember you have 2 chances to Vote
Use your Votes Wisely, Make them Count!!!!!
There will only be a maximum of 20 voting points awarded daily
Not including the Spirit page points

To receive maximum daily pointage,
click YOUR Pet and the ALL and vote,
then hit your back button,
and vote again.

LOA - Leave of Absence
ELOA - Extended Leave of Absence
MLOA - Medical Leave of Absence
DBR - Dropped by Request
DQ - Disqualified
SUS - Suspended
TD - Technical Difficulty
OH - On Hold