Welcome to NyteFury and NyteShay'ds Vote Exchange Group RULES!

Back to the good ol' days, where a 'handshake' is all you need!

If you post links to the group, please vote for the other members when their links come through,
It's only fair!

Please DO NOT blind vote.
Go visit the other members website and judge for yourself if your think their site is worthy of your votes.

Play Nice!
If you have a complaint against the group or other members on the group, use the Email Us link below and tell us what is happening. Please!
There will be no insults or rudeness toward any site or person on this group.
Including the owners!

If caught insulting any of us on the group, you WILL BE REMOVED.

Please DO NOT ask us to check to see who is voting for you. This cannot be done.
If your scores are low, speak to your supporters PRIVATELY.

We will not accept blogs or chat rooms on this group.
Password protected sites will not be accepted!
Everyone must be able to view your site.
You must have more than one page on your website unless it is a pets page.
One page with pictures and descriptions of your pet are accepted.

No sites with extreme adult material are allowed.
Tasteful artwork MAY BE allowed. Please contact us about this.
It must be family friendly to the point where our children will be
allowed to check it out. If you are unsure about this,
please email us and we will check your page out and let you know if it is acceptable.

We allow non ve competitions, with a link to your page.
For Non Vote Exchange competitions/teams please, your link has to go
to your main site (index/welcome/front) page and NOT your vote page.
These competitions are for website design and not just for OSVP design.

Still want to join?
You may sign up for the group at
Then start posting your voting links!
Other members will then view your website and give you a vote!

Owned by NyteFury and Lady NyteShay'd ©2012-onwards
Webset created by Lady NyteShay'd ©2012-onwards
Created exclusively for NyteFury & NyteShay'ds VE Board
No other use is authorized.