Welcome to NyteFury and NyteShay'ds Vote Exchange Group!

Back to the good ol' days, where a 'handshake' is all you need!

Remember a time, not too long ago,
when you VE'd with someone, you were guaranteed their vote?
There was no such thing as "blind voting" and you were confidant that the person
you were exchanging votes with was actually voting for you, as you were with them?

Wouldn't you like to go back to that time?

If you answered YES, then this group is the place you need to be!

Our Vote Exchange group is based on TRUST...
trust in our fellow VE partners, trust in others to do what they say they are doing.

This is a Yahoo Group!
You may sign up for the group at
Then start posting your voting links!
Other members will then view your website and give you a vote!

Owned by NyteFury and Lady NyteShay'd ©2012-onwards
Webset created by Lady NyteShay'd ©2012-onwards
Created exclusively for NyteFury & NyteShay'ds VE Board
No other use is authorized.